Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Doll house

Adorable isn't a word I use to describe much architecture. Or cute. If I do, I'm being a jerk. But over at Metroblogging, dieselboi's got photos posted of a couple little, c-c-c-c-ute houses that are going up in North Portland.

Small houses. I'm for them. Even if they're cute. I've heard small houses are the new big house, and I like that, but I don't know if it's true or if I just want it to be true (I can think of so many things that seem true, like more people using recycled toilet paper and public transportation, until I look at what I and people I actually know are doing).

I'm in the up-and-coming homebuying supposedly eco-savvy generation. But, really, 70 percent of my friends live in way more space than they actually need. And the ones who don't spend a lot of time complaining about how they don't have enough "storage."

Maybe...maybe... little infill projects like these mark a switch. Or the start of something viable, livable, and right-next-door-for-peering-in-the-windows. I wonder what the storage situation is like.

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